Why wouldn’t you! Spotify has opened up access to a world of music for subscribers. Those that don’t subscribe may find the ads annoying. But hey, you’re still getting free access.

Here’s the Spotify player linked directly to M.E. VI (a requiem). Be sure to “Follow” Strong T on Spotify and “Favorite” the songs and album. Also, if you add the album or songs to one or more of your playlists – especially those you share with others – that will help improve our visibility.

It all adds up to move us towards that follow-up album! Thanks!!

Before you go…

We’re hoping to share additional playlists that feature songs with the theme of climate action, conservation, protection of biodiversity, and – of course – preventing the sixth mass extinction. If you have curated a playlist with this theme (and it includes one or more songs from our album), contact us through the Contact Us form with information we can use to find your public playlist. We’ll add it to this page, and possibly add it to the Strong T artist page on Spotify.