The Bass Guitar of Strong T


This is a collection of articles, essays, videos and other media that dig deep into the art, the artist, and the themes that inspire the art. Check back often for the latest updates. And don’t forget to join our email list.

Featured Video

Glacial Speed (Official Video)

Glacial speed used to be a term we used to describe something moving very slowly. But today, glaciers around the world are disappearing rapidly, while humans move at glacial speed to respond to climate change caused by human activities – specifically, the extraction and burning of fossil fuels. We are, in fact, redefining Glacial Speed!

The Blog

  • Strong T Supports Artists for Ecocide Law

    I’m pleased and honored to share that I am now included, along with a distinguished group of international artists, on the Artists for Ecocide Law page of Stop Ecocide International ( The artists work across a wide range of media, from the visual arts to music, literature, film, performance art and more. But what we…

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  • The Making of Glacial Speed (Part 3)

    This video is the final installment in the 3-part series on Glacial Speed, the 2nd track on the album, M.E. VI (a requiem). In it, I describe how I came up with the idea of using audio samples from a 1950s television show, and how they ended up in the song.

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  • The Making of Glacial Speed (Part 2)

    In this video, I continue the story of the song, Glacial Speed, the 2nd track from the album, M.E. VI (a requiem). And I tell you why my first attempt at recording this song was an Epic Fail. I’ve even included some audio clips so you can hear a short segment from the earlier version.

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  • The Making of Glacial Speed (Part 1)

    A Phone App & An Airplane Ride In this video, I tell the story behind the song, Glacial Speed, the 2nd track from M.E. VI (a requiem). Full Video Transcript Hi, I’m Rob Teplansky of Strong T, and this is the story of Glacial Speed, which is the 2nd track on the album, M.E. VI…

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  • Love Spotify? Here's where you find Strong T!

    Why wouldn’t you! Spotify has opened up access to a world of music for subscribers. Those that don’t subscribe may find the ads annoying. But hey, you’re still getting free access. Here’s the Spotify player linked directly to M.E. VI (a requiem). Be sure to “Follow” Strong T on Spotify and “Favorite” the songs and…

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  • Discussing the Anthroposin Interlude: The Music

    Today, I’ll follow up with part 2 of my discussion of the song Anthroposin Interlude from the album, M.E. VI (a requiem). In part 1, I talked about the concept. Today, we’ll take a look at the strange little music composition and how it came about.

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The Full Album
M.E. VI (a requiem)

I get it. Not everyone gets their music from music streaming services, but you have options. I’ve just completed a the full album playlist, which is now available on my YouTube Channel. Just click on the video below to launch the playlist. (And please subscribe to my YouTube Channel while you are there!)

Also, if you’re like me, and you like to purchase and curate your own music, you can get the full album on Bandcamp right here!

M.E. VI (a requiem) Preview Videos

This playlist contains a series of short preview videos with clips from the songs of M.E. VI (a requiem). Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel to make sure you don’t miss a single video.

And follow me on Bandcamp to get access to new recordings, playlists and other content. We’re working on new recordings and a new album now, as well as a live show of M.E. VI (a requiem).